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Webinar: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options with Dr. Nannan Thirumavalavan

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects more than 30 million men in the U.S. It is especially common in men with prostate surgery, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. However, it is now possible to treat almost all men with ED! ED undermines a man’s sexual confidence – but successful treatment can help restore it! Many ED treatments are covered by most insurance and prescription plans. Attend a FREE Men’s Health Community Webinar sponsored by Coloplast Corp. to educate men and their partners about approved ED treatment options. Your name and contact information will remain confidential. For complete anonymity, you can register under an alias, however the correct email address is required for event login. Continue reading “Webinar: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options with Dr. Nannan Thirumavalavan”

Men’s Health Playbook

Join Dr. Thirumavalavan about Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important part of life and is related to other aspects of health. This includes physical, mental, emotional, and social health. UH urologists and men’s health experts Nannan Thirumavalavan, MD and Aram Loeb, MD will walk you through a number of male sexual health topics to help you recognize the warning signs of a bigger health issue as well as help you live your best sexual life. Topics will include erectile dysfunction or ED and low testosterone or Low T.


Dr. Thirumavalavan’s Webinar on Erectile Dysfunction

Dr. Thirumavalavan/Coloplast Webinar: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Options

Erectile Dysfunction affects approximately half of all men over the age of 40, and it can take a real toll on them and their partners, both physically and emotionally. If ED is a concern for you,
Dr. Thirumavalavan encourages you to attend an upcoming educational event sponsored by Coloplast Corp, regarding various treatment options.

View recorded webinar 

Erectile Dysfunction Webinar April 13, 2020 : Coloplast

Join The Webinar April 13th at 6:00 P.M.

Tune in Monday, April 13th at 6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. EST to see Dr. Nannan Thirumavalavan discuss Erectile Dysfunction and Coloplast.  During this webinar, he will discuss the different signs and symptoms that are associated with erectile dysfunction.

Watch The Webinar

Continue reading “Erectile Dysfunction Webinar April 13, 2020 : Coloplast”


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